Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The President's Report

There is no doubt that AUPE is now in one of the most difficult and challenging periods of its long and proud history. With the Government of Alberta using the current economic environment to attack Public Services, AUPE, its leadership and membership have to adopt an "all hands on deck" focus in everything we do in the forseeable future. That means everything we do as a union right now needs to be geared towards the mobilization and activation of our members to defend their jobs,their collective agreements and the services they provide to Albertans.
This is a massive endeavour that requires all our attention and energy. It will also require significant resources, including financial. Furthermore, despite the fact that we are determined to protect our members jobs there will undoubtedly be a reduction in our numbers through attrition, voluntary redundancies, the hiring freezes, and through abolishments and lay-offs which despite our best efforts, we are unable to prevent. This too would have impact on our financial stability.
I tell you this because this is the reality we are living in at the moment, and if we DON'T focus our efforts on the mobilization and activation of AUPE membership this reality will become starker. There needs to be a sense of urgency and purpose the likes of which we haven't had to call upon for many years.
So let us all (i.e. P.E., Locals, Chapters, Worksites, Communities, and Individual Members) focus on the goal of being strong, active and mobilized over the next few months. There will be a time in the future when we look back on what we are going through now and be proud of the strength and solidarity we showed in the face of adversity.
Mobilization Campaign:
The Vice-Presidents have been working hard making contact with elected officers and activists in their assigned regions and setting up dates for mobilization meetings in various worksites and communities. 
There are now "some cuts never heal" buttons produced which will be distributed through the membership as part of the mobilization campaign. 
Alberta Hospital
What with the recent decision by the Government to not close 140 0f the 246 beds slated to be axed I think we can congratulate all those who worked so hard on the Save Alberta Hospital Campaign. There is no doubt that the amount of public and political pressure generated by the Campaign had a direct impact.  
However, the struggle continues. The decision was also made to move the 106 beds in Geriatic Psychiatry program to Villa Caritas in West Edmonton. This decision AUPE is opposed to on a number of fronts and we are continuing with the campaign to maintain public and political pressure on the Government to not close any programs at AHE. 
Furthermore, we are stating that the previous commitment to the redevelopment of AHE needs to be followed through on.
"NO" to concessions.
There has been and continues to be, immense pressure on Aupe from Government and 
other employers to enter into discussions to open up collective agreements and forgo negotiated increases. my position publicly with the media and with the employers is that we are not interested in engaging in any discussions around concessions.
Public and Media Exposure
More and more the media are contacting us for AUPE's position and opinions on varied issues. We are becoming a credible voice in the public domain where we play a leading role in the growing debates about the future of Public Services in Alberta. This needs to continue and grow as the debate will heat up in the coming months as the budget is rolled out and the affects of it start to have impact.
I need and respect your input as representatives of your Locals, so please don't hesitate to contact me at any time to discuss issues, concerns, or suggestions.
Guy Smith
President, AUPE