Sunday, April 26, 2009

April Union Steward Month.....Your Rights as a Member of AUPE

The Grievance Procedure
A Grievance is normally defined as: "Any difference arising out of
interpretation, application, administration, or alleged violation of
the Collective Agreement."

File a Grievance
If your rights are being violated, there are things you can do about
it. Under our Collective Agreement the grievance process gives every
Employee recourse to assistance and a fair hearing, right up to
arbitration and court if necessary.

If you are given a direct order that overrides your rights as an
Employee, the best advice is to; Obey now, grieve later.

Most grievances can be resolved quickly by working with your steward
or Member Services Officer. But even if the solution isn't quick,
follow the grievance process is your best fair treatment in the end.

Dissciplinary Hearing
According to most Collective Agreements, an Employee who is facing
disciplanary action must be notified of the time and place of the
Employees have a right to Union Representation at the hearing. It is
important to exercise your right to Union Representation.

While attending disciplanary hearings, Stewards have five important purposes:

Ensure there is a witness to the proceeding and complete notes are taken.

Ensure members' rights are not violated.

Ensure members' are not harassed and intimidated.

Ensure members, do not make incrimination statements or rash decisions.

Ask questions for clarification, but not challenge the penalry or
managements actions at the


The front line of defence for union members in the workplace is the
Union Steward!!!!
