Friday, May 13, 2011

Ballots counted and success!

Greeting Everyone!

Well the stress is over for the GSBC team, they did an incredible job and got us the best TA that they could considering the what has been happening in Alberta.
Thank you to everyone who sent their ballots in and specifically to Local 009 members, we had over a 50% return for our Local and that a huge improvement since the last contract.
The TA will be formally signed by GOA and GSBC on the May 17th, I am sure there will be some details on when we receive the 1st lump sum of 1750.00.

Till next time, and if you are in Edmonton on May 30 and 31, Local 009 is having their AGM at AUPE Headquarter, everyone is welcome with voice but no vote.

Penny Bates
Local 009 Chair