Saturday, October 30, 2010

UPDATE post Convention and important upcoming DATES

Hello Everyone:
Well another convention completed and this year we had it at the Shaw conference center.  I must say it sure was nice to have more room, and what a view over the River Valley.
So now the work starts again, as you may have been reading we are at a stand still with bargaining and both parties are taking the month of November to refocus.  With this time off we are having some Town Hall meetings so that the public and members can be informed of what is going on and to maybe spark the GOA to start bargaining and realize we are worth it!
We have posted the dates on this blog site, and are really need your support in attending these meeting.  Also there is a rally on Nov 3rd at 3:30 outside the 5010 building in Red Deer, we have a short window of opportunity to save Valley Park Manor to secure the desperately needed long-term care spaces! Again Please if you can, come and join us!
Our next council meeting is in Calgary Nov 25/26 at the Calgary office, please join us! 
We are hoping as well you can attend your work Christmas events, Local 009 supports these events with monies for meals ect... plus a small promotional item is handed out with annual calendars as well.  Please take the time to thank those hard working council members and work site contacts that will be organizing and passing out these items.  They do much of this on their own time, and I know I really appreciate their hard work!
For now I will leave you with these important dates which have been posted just before this blog or as well check on site.  Hope to see you at one of these meeting!
Sis Bates
Local 009 Chair